NO HAGGLING AT ALL! Might be willing to do free shipping!
Also willing to sell on in@st-you can avoid the 50$ Mercari f33! So it just needs the 350$ + like 10$ shipping!! (So 360$ish total instead for 400$+ with mecari)
NO TR@DES! WILL DO SMALL HOLDS but you must be 100% sure you can pay I don’t wanna waste my time/lh! She also has a tail and paws which WONT be added! If you want you must go to my other listings that have tail and paws which will cost more!
I bought this suit recently from someone else and I just cannot connect with this suit at all as she just doesn’t fit what I had hyped her up to be… only worn for like an hour by me personally not sure about previous owner
Comes with Fully lined Head(fits 21-23” so most heads I’d say) Oh and extra art!
Please understand she is not perfect and has flaws! She is in no way bad but she has her flaws!! Did my best to show them in this post! Flaws don’t ruin the suits function! I’m not a fursuit maker so I can’t fix anything!
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