This Pokémon Neo Discovery expansion Brainwave theme deck pack is a vintage boxed product from Wizards of the Coast. The Brainwave theme deck focuses on Psychic-type and Water-type Pokémon.
Cards are MINT. The front of the box’ bottom left corner has a slightly mushed (see second image). It’s very slight but I want to be up front.
Box is factory sealed, and contains 60 cards designed for the Pokémon TCG game and includes an Espeon card and RARE holofoil!
This theme deck comes with a 60-card deck, damage counters, a custom coin, a rulebook, and a card list in a collectible box. It includes the rare holo card Unown A.
I’ve had this since it was released in 2001 and never opened it. :<
I also have a Neo Discovery Wallop theme deck for sale.
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