I purcahsed Joseph in early 2020 from Cherylanne Turgeon of BabycakesReborn. She did an excellent job reboring Joseph. He has not been displayed and is still wrapped in the original blanket and outfit he came in.
He is about 18-19 inches long and weighs 3 lbs. He has full arms and legs with a soft doe suede body. He has been weighted in the head, body, and limbs with very fine glass beads. You will need to support his head when he is being held.
He wears newborn clothes and diapers.
His hair is painted and hand rooted mohair eye lashes.
He takes a magnetic pacifier.
She added a wet look to the eyes, lips and nose for realism as well as a sheen to his nails.
His nails have been tipped.
He has been sealed with a matte varnish for protection against UV rays and rubbing.
He will go home with his outfit pictured, a blanket, “Coolest Baby Ever” onesie, pacifier, diapers, care instructions, and a certificate of authenticity.
All sales are final.
Ready to be shipped via USPS.
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